"Giving you tools to change your world"

Dominion Life School of Ministry

The School of Ministry is open to those who have a call on their lives to ministry, whether in the church, the marketplace or in the mission field. Twelve foundational, life-changing courses carefully selected to move believers into living in the supernatural power of God.
Since every believer is to be a minister, every believer needs to be taught to do the work of the ministry, to do the very same works that Jesus did. It is often during the process of studying the five-fold ministry of apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelists that the calling on a person’s life becomes clear. It is the power of God’s Word that changes lives! Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” It is the knowledge of God’s Word that brings freedom! Hearing testimonies brings faith, but it’s the Word of God that sets us free. It’s the knowledge of His Word that gives us strength to stand against the wiles of the devil.
We at DLSOM believe in the power of God. We long to see people fully experience all that Jesus died for. To see our generation set free and walking in complete victory and purpose. To see lives touched and transformed by truly knowing the person of Jesus and experiencing His Presence.
At DLSOM we believe the Word of God to be the ultimate truth and that all the promises of God are accessible for believers today. We believe that every individual who connects with this ministry will have their lives be completely changed through the teaching of the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit

12 Foundational Courses

The Basics for New Believers

In preparation for the greatest Harvest the Kingdom of God has ever experienced, the Lord has challenged us to put together ten foundational principles. These principles are for the purpose of helping new believers understand the fundamentals of their newfound faith, and also, for unbelievers to know who Christians really are, and why we do the things we do. It is our earnest desire to see new believers firmly planted in the truths of God’s word.

Miracle Evangelism

God's Plan to Reach the World.
We like those in the book of Acts, can experience signs, wonders and healing miracles in our lives. We can become part of the great end-time harvest by letting miracle evangelism flow through us!

The New Creation

Knowing Who You Are in Christ Discover who you were created to be! What it means "to be born again."This revelation releases believers from defeating thoughts of guilt, condemnation, inferiority and inadequacy to be conformed to the image of Christ.

The Authority of the Believer

Stop Losing and Start Winning ~ God revealed His eternal purpose for Mankind when He said, "Let them have dominion!" You will walk in new boldness. You will live in victory over Satan and demon powers in your daily life and ministry.

God's Provision for Healing

Receive & Minister Healing ~ Lays a solid Word foundation which will release your faith to effectively receive or minister healing. It presents the ministry of Jesus and the apostles as our pattern for healing today.

The Art of Prayer

Bringing Heaven to Earth Discover how you can release God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Through intercession, praying the Word, prayers of faith and agreement, you can change your life, and even the world


To Live in the Supernatural Learn how you can move into realms of faith. How you can do mighty exploits for God. It’s time for believers to release their faith, to step into the supernatural realms, to show God’s greatness to all the world!

Praise and Worship

Becoming Worshipers of God Reveals God's eternal purpose for praise and worship. Releases believers into thrilling biblical expressions of high praise. Teaches how to enter into the overwhelming presence of God in intimate worship.

The Church Triumphant

Jesus said, “I will build My church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.” In this study, you will see how the book of Acts is the story of the early church in action and thus a pattern to restore signs and wonders to His church today.

Ministry Gifts

Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers Jesus gave gifts to men. Discover how these gifts are to flow together in the church to prepare God’s people for works of service. Understand God’s call on your life!

Gifts of The Holy Spirit

Establishes a new, intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Discover how to operate in all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. Eagerly desire, receive and fan these gifts into flame and enter into a new life of supernatural living.

Patterns for Living

God’s rich foundational truths come alive in this topical study. The prophecies of the coming Messiah, the feasts, sacrifices, and miracles of the Old Testament, all reveal God’s eternal plan

Enrol For April 2025

Join our part time school of ministry just one evening a week

The School of Ministry is open to those who have a call on their lives to ministry, whether in the church, the marketplace or in the mission field. Twelve foundational, life-changing courses carefully selected to move believers into walk in the power of God.

For More Information