"Giving you tools to change the world"

Giving & Partnership

We would like to say thank you to all our partners and friends who enable Dominion Life Training to accomplish its mission of reaching the nations of the world through their faithful financial gifts.
We want to thank you for helping us bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to people around the world. Together, with your support, we are a mighty force for God to equip the saints and win the lost! Since the very beginning in 2001, we have been honoured by faithful hearts like yours that have stood behind us, fuelling our efforts to reach out to the lost, and we are blessed knowing that you are standing with us to help fulfil the Great Commission.

Your seed sown will go to work immediately—transforming believer's lives worldwide.


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Send Prayer Request

Do you have a prayer request? Dominion Life Training is here for you. The staff at DLT pray over all the prayer requests received at the ministry. We would love to hear from you when you receive your victory, so don’t forget to contact us with your testimony.

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