The Baptism In The Holy Spirit

To receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, all you have to do is ask your heavenly Father for it. God wants every believer to be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in other tongues.

Tyrone Singh


In Christ Jesus Confessions

In Revelation 12:11, the Word says the saints overcame the accuser by the blood of Jesus and the word of their testimony. That is true not only for end-time martyrs, but it is true for born-again children of God living everyday lives in any generation. ​
Your testimony is of your "rights" and "privileges" as a born again child of God, what you have become and inherited through the work of Jesus on the cross.

Tyrone Singh


The New Covenant Mindset

A new covenant mindset Is what God has already done. An old covenant mindset is that I am hoping God will heal me. A new covenant mindset is that God has already healed me. I have seen this that even those that claim to be new covenant believers still live like old covenant people. They have the terminology; they have the word ‘New covenant’ but their thinking is still old covenant. We have to realise what side of the cross are we living in. Amen. I believe that these are profound truths that once grasped, once applied can change our life. 

Tyrone Singh


Walking In Dominion

The death burial and ascension has totally broken the power and authority of the devil. This is the greatest display of power in the whole universe. It reversed the curse. The curse that Adam brought into this world, the death burial and resurrection brought us into sonship. That is a beautiful thing. It also made us absolute masters of the devil and his minions. It did more than take you into heaven. It brought heaven into your life. Gave you a relationship with God and made you a master over the devil and his minions.

Tyrone Singh


The New Man Refresher

A recap and some points that I want to highlight. When we talk about the new man we are talking about the new creation. Some people call it NCR - New creation realities or ICR - In Christ realities. A theological term to this is Paul's revelations. That is where you are going to discover the teaching on the new man and the new creation

Tyrone Singh


The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit Study Manual

Through out this study each of the gifts of the Holy Spirit will be clearly defined to assist and promote their use in the life of the believers. I desire to see the Body of Christ edified and strengthened in today's world. The Father has made available the power of God for His children to accomplish His purposes and His plans on the earth. He has provided supernatural solutions to all natural problems. He has provided supernatural tools for every task he has called us to do. The Church becomes ineffective in a nation, if it does not have gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation. God has never intended for His people to accomplish His plans without the supernatural.

Tyrone Singh

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Evangelism Training Course

Have you ever wished someone could help you to reach others with the gospel of Jesus? You know that the world is in desperate need of Jesus. Millions of people are dying daily without hope and without a Saviour. You may have tried to share your faith, but it felt like a failed attempt. Inadequate knowledge, lack of experience and fear are often the reasons that hold you back from sharing your faith. If you can relate to this, YOU’VE REACHED THE RIGHT PLACE. Download our12 week online evangelism training course you will be equipped and trained on how to boldly share the gospel with the demonstration of the Spirit of God.

Tyrone Singh


Living A Dominion Life

Get equipped to walk in the power and authority of Jesus Christ. God's first command concerning the man He created was: "Let them have dominion". You Were Created To Live A Dominion Life! In this one day Webinar you will be equipped with The Truth of God's Word on how to start walking in the Dominion of Jesus Christ.

Tyrone Singh


Diversities of Tongues

The Diversities of Tongues Seminar will reveal why speaking in other tongues has been one of the most misunderstood gifts in Christianity. This course will you gives straight forward teaching on why God Himself chose “tongues” to be the primary sign of the presence of the Spirit. By participating in this seminar you will learn how to use one of the single most valuable tools that God has given you.It will reveal the secrets of what John G. Lake said made his ministry successful

Tyrone Singh


New Man Seminar

The New Man seminar is to reveal to believers what has been accomplished by Jesus for us through His death, burial, and resurrection. The New Man seminar reveals who you now are in Christ, not what you will become someday. The New Man seminar changes everything revealing how you can start walking as a son of God.

Tyrone Singh
